Germbutter: first wave

It’s been hard to find the energy to be creative this year, with the transition to online teaching at two universities that don’t sync up in terms of mid-semester breaks. I did, however, manage to put together a group zine with my often-time collaborator UK Frederick (we are ‘Fred & Flo’) and a couple of other friends, Nicci Haynes and Saskia Haalebos (formerly Shagsy Shags) in time for the Uni of Canberra Arts & Design staff show, Iso-topics, which, of course, is online. Have a look, it’s up until 16 August.

However! We are also making a hard copy of the zine (which comes in its own sick-bag) which will be on sale soon from the Belconnen Arts Centre, as well as places like the excellent Zine Gang Distro.

We’re also hoping to make Germbutter: second wave soon, which will probably come with its own face-mask… hold that thought, and stay safe.