Ampersand Duck is an imprint used for creative outputs but it is also the sole trader masthead for affordable design, layout and editing services. Ampersand Duck tends to focus on academic and community projects.

REGULAR PROJECTS include the Australian Journal of French Studies (Monash University/Liverpool University Press); ArtQuilt catalogues; Minds Shine Bright publications; AXON Journal and various catalogues & occasional publications for the University of Canberra Centre for Creative and Cultural Research; selected Occasional Publications for The Bibliographical Society of Australia and NZ; and (forthcoming) the New Australian Bookplate Society newsletters.

RECENT PROJECTS include Bruce Moore’s Parramatta Jail Glossary (for the Australian Dictionary Centre, 2024); Elizabeth Morrison’s A Man of No Mean Talent: Donald Cameron and Australian Colonial Newspaper Fiction (2024); Mel Bray, Australian Carillonists: Respect for the Past and a Vision for the Future (forthcoming 2024); and The Hands On Cookbook (forthcoming 2024).

I am also experienced in POETRY LAYOUT. Recent anthologies include the annual Authorised Theft series (the latest is Five Oceans, 2024), Borderless: A Transnational Anthology of Feminist Poetry (RWP, 2021), and the Uni of Canberra’s being anthology for the 2023 Vice-Chancellor’s Poetry Prize (forthcoming, 2024).

PAST PROJECTS include the entire 10 volumes of the Academy Editions of Australian Literature series (UNSW Canberra & UQP, 1996-2007); the scholarly edition of The Works of John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, 1647-1680 by Harold Love (OUP, 1999); the first edition hardback cover design for The Lost Dog by Michelle de Kretser (Allen & Unwin, 2008); the original The Rugs of War catalogue for Nigel Lendon and Tim Bonyhady (2003) and the 2005 Savandhary Vongpoothorn: Incantation catalogue (Martin Browne at the Yellow House) as well as exhibition catalogues for Annie Trevillian (Handprint, design on fabric and paper, 2006), Hanna Hoyne & Anna Simic (A Cage Opera, 2007), Waratah Lahy (2008), Heather Burness (2009), Nicola Dickson (Birds from a New World, 2012), Lucy Irvine (Bounceback, 2019), Rowan Conroy (Sightseeing, 2020) and Ursula Frederick (Expanding the Field, 2021).

I am not actively looking for new clients but am always open to negotiating an interesting project.

a yellow and black vintage photograph of a sinking ship taken through a porthole