
CF+ Angela Gardner: PhD project, 2014

Interference, 2014, Angela Gardner, etc.
Hand-stitched laser-printed chapbook, 210 x 130mm, 24pp.

Angela and I both enjoy the serendipity of making textual mistakes. To commence our collaboration in my PhD project, I invited her to play a game with me, where we would text each other lines of her poems and accept any autocorrection that our respective phones offered. This is the result of an old Nokia and an iPhone 4 playing with each other.

The images at right are selections from the book layout. 

Angela Gardner has worked with Caren on a number of projects: Of Sky and Swung Weight (2012); Pleasure Demolition (2015); Working Papers: hone/torrent (2015-17); the future, unimagine (2017); and Swipe (2015– ).

Gardner is an award-winning poet with four books: Parts of Speech (UQP, 2007), Views of the Hudson (Shears-man, 2009), The Told World (Shearsman Books, UK, 2014) and Thing&Unthing (Vagabond Press, 2014) as well as two fine press books twelve labours and The NightLadder (both lighttrappress 2009). She edits at and is a visual artist with work in both national and international collections.